Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lizards of the new year !

Well, it's been  a while since I posted something new, and what better way to start the year than the critter that started it all, the gecko !

I got these pictures of an Asian house gecko that hunts outside our office window at night. 

Check out those sticky feet !

As well as some video of hunting for little bugs ... pretty cool !

I spotted this baby skink outside the other day. I guess it's that time of year where the babies are left to fend for themselves. This little guy was small, 4 cm at most with tail.

Later that day I also saw this grasshopper, look at the loooong pointy head.


John Condon said...

Hello Rej,
Elles sont bizare vos sauterelles... As-tu recu mon courriel que je t'ai envoyé sur ton hotmail? Peut-être utilises-tu un autre adresse maintenant?

Bonne journée


Sébastien 'Cb' Kuntz said...

Les geckos c'est les plus beaux =)

Et en plus ils sont trop forts :

SebKuntz (pote à simon)